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Тема в разделе "Техническая поддержка", создана пользователем rezzz, 7 апр 2016.

  1. rezzz

    rezzz A-Parser Enterprise License
    A-Parser Enterprise

    15 апр 2015
    kali linux (debian x86)

    вот кусок лога

    Apr  7 05:06:30.57506 starting task #5176 threads: 20, proxies: 229
    Apr  7 05:06:31.9098 starting task #5177 threads: 20, proxies: 229
    Apr  7 05:06:33.50728 task 5176 completed
    DBI db handle 0xf5703ec has uncleared implementors data at build/core.to_build.pl line 19770.
        dbih_clearcom (dbh 0xf5703ec, com 0x17638d10, imp DBD::SQLite::db):
           FLAGS 0x100113: COMSET IMPSET Warn PrintError PrintWarn
           PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0xc9db4c4)
           KIDS 0 (0 Active)
    Apr  7 05:06:34.75728 task 5177 completed
    DBI db handle 0xf584a14 has uncleared implementors data at build/core.to_build.pl line 19770.
        dbih_clearcom (dbh 0xf584a14, com 0x1755f430, imp DBD::SQLite::db):
           FLAGS 0x100113: COMSET IMPSET Warn PrintError PrintWarn
           PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0xc9db4c4)
           KIDS 0 (0 Active)
    Apr  7 05:06:36.479 starting task #5178 threads: 20, proxies: 229
    Apr  7 05:06:37.49051 starting task #5179 threads: 20, proxies: 229
    Apr  7 05:06:39.4326 task 5179 completed
    DBI db handle 0xf595b1c has uncleared implementors data at build/core.to_build.pl line 19770.
        dbih_clearcom (dbh 0xf595b1c, com 0x17693cb0, imp DBD::SQLite::db):
           FLAGS 0x100113: COMSET IMPSET Warn PrintError PrintWarn
           PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0xc9db4c4)
           KIDS 0 (0 Active)
    Apr  7 05:06:39.7217 task 5178 completed
    DBI db handle 0x10435f10 has uncleared implementors data at build/core.to_build.pl line 19770.
        dbih_clearcom (dbh 0x10435f10, com 0x17373b80, imp DBD::SQLite::db):
           FLAGS 0x100113: COMSET IMPSET Warn PrintError PrintWarn
           PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0xc9db4c4)
           KIDS 0 (0 Active)
    Apr  7 05:06:43.25277 starting task #5180 threads: 20, proxies: 229
    Apr  7 05:06:44.56988 starting task #5181 threads: 20, proxies: 229
    Apr  7 05:06:46.28113 task 5180 completed
    DBI db handle 0xf1a9cc4 has uncleared implementors data at build/core.to_build.pl line 19770.
        dbih_clearcom (dbh 0xf1a9cc4, com 0x1763ae18, imp DBD::SQLite::db):
           FLAGS 0x100113: COMSET IMPSET Warn PrintError PrintWarn
           PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0xc9db4c4)
           KIDS 0 (0 Active)
    Apr  7 05:06:47.78055 task 5181 completed
    DBI db handle 0xeac1878 has uncleared implementors data at build/core.to_build.pl line 19770.
        dbih_clearcom (dbh 0xeac1878, com 0x17608a60, imp DBD::SQLite::db):
           FLAGS 0x100113: COMSET IMPSET Warn PrintError PrintWarn
           PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0xc9db4c4)
           KIDS 0 (0 Active)
    Apr  7 05:06:52.00468 starting task #5182 threads: 20, proxies: 229
    Apr  7 05:06:54.51159 starting task #5183 threads: 20, proxies: 229
    Apr  7 05:06:55.83785 task 5182 completed
    DBI db handle 0x103b06f4 has uncleared implementors data at build/core.to_build.pl line 19770.
        dbih_clearcom (dbh 0x103b06f4, com 0x17622da0, imp DBD::SQLite::db):
           FLAGS 0x100113: COMSET IMPSET Warn PrintError PrintWarn
           PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0xc9db4c4)
           KIDS 0 (0 Active)
    Apr  7 05:06:57.46428 task 5183 completed
    DBI db handle 0x1045e644 has uncleared implementors data at build/core.to_build.pl line 19770.
        dbih_clearcom (dbh 0x1045e644, com 0x17608178, imp DBD::SQLite::db):
           FLAGS 0x100113: COMSET IMPSET Warn PrintError PrintWarn
           PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0xc9db4c4)
           KIDS 0 (0 Active)
    Apr  7 05:06:57.89178 starting task #5184 threads: 20, proxies: 229
    Apr  7 05:06:58.07362 starting task #5185 threads: 20, proxies: 229
    DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: unable to open database file at build/core.to_build.pl line 18404.
    DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: unable to open database file at build/core.to_build.pl line 18404.
    DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: unable to open database file at build/core.to_build.pl line 18404.
    DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: unable to open database file at build/core.to_build.pl line 24081.
    tcp: protocol unknown at build/core.to_build.pl line 2158.
    print() on closed filehandle $logfp at build/core.to_build.pl line 37084.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10feaf70 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x1101fae0 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x11288364 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0xe8b0550 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x110ddab4 during global destruction.
    Apr  7 05:06:59.7951 cannot commit database HashDB_config/tasks/4348_uncompleted.db config/tasks/4348_uncompleted.db
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10cc0c48 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10d29cec during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10d2a04c during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x11394a04 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10d29f20 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10d29b48 during global destruction.
    Apr  7 05:06:59.84947 cannot commit database HashDB_config/tasks/4347_uncompleted.db config/tasks/4347_uncompleted.db
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10a68d74 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10a68978 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10a687c8 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10a68714 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10a68678 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10ba5ebc during global destruction.
    Apr  7 05:07:00.05173 cannot commit database HashDB_config/tasks/4335_uncompleted.db config/tasks/4335_uncompleted.db
    Apr  7 05:07:00.06027 cannot commit database HashDB_config/tasks/4330_uncompleted.db config/tasks/4330_uncompleted.db
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x109c9204 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10b7ea60 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x109d6b88 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10a0c1a8 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x109e3c00 during global destruction.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x10a4d184 during global destruction.
    Apr  7 05:07:00.12744 cannot commit database HashDB_config/tasks/4322_uncompleted.db config/tasks/4322_uncompleted.db
    DESTROY created new reference to dead object 'Parser::Child::ResultsProcessor' during global destruction.
    OK, BYE!  |  at (eval 1185) line 1.
    Apr  7 05:07:00.25771 [Worker/6362] end called, pid 6362
    Apr  7 05:07:00.26198 [Template of 6358] exit called, pid 6359
    OK, BYE!  |  at (eval 1185) line 1.
    Apr  7 05:07:00.27505 [Worker/6363] end called, pid 6363
    create template(main) at build/core.to_build.pl line 882.
    created template 8239 at build/core.to_build.pl line 891.
    Apr  7 07:25:12.55113 A-Parser v1.1.478-linux started, tasks: 2 / 5171, memory total: 4041 MB, available: 3324 MB
    Apr  7 07:25:12.55624 starting task #5184 threads: 20, proxies: undef
    Apr  7 07:25:12.75508 starting task #5185 threads: 20, proxies: undef
    Apr  7 07:25:13.52062 loading before not loaded iterator
    Apr  7 07:25:13.68666 loading before not loaded iterator
    Apr  7 07:25:15.79347 task 5185 completed
    DBI db handle 0xce9c1e0 has uncleared implementors data at build/core.to_build.pl line 19770.
        dbih_clearcom (dbh 0xce9c1e0, com 0xd3d7140, imp DBD::SQLite::db):
           FLAGS 0x100113: COMSET IMPSET Warn PrintError PrintWarn
           PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0xc8e758c)
           KIDS 0 (0 Active)
    Apr  7 07:25:16.11273 task 5184 completed
    DBI db handle 0xcddfd90 has uncleared implementors data at build/core.to_build.pl line 19770.
        dbih_clearcom (dbh 0xcddfd90, com 0xd4565a0, imp DBD::SQLite::db):
           FLAGS 0x100113: COMSET IMPSET Warn PrintError PrintWarn
           PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0xc8e758c)
           KIDS 0 (0 Active)
  2. Forbidden

    Forbidden Administrator
    Команда форума A-Parser Enterprise

    9 мар 2013
  3. DeLaKroiX

    DeLaKroiX A-Parser Enterprise License
    A-Parser Enterprise

    25 дек 2015
    кстати, у меня для кали линукс x64 (rolling edition) не сработала инструкция. сработало только увеличение потоков коммандой "ulimit -n 10240", ставит сразу оба значения (хард и софт) на 10240. однако действует только до перезагрузки. как вариант - можно добавить это в вики.
  4. rezzz

    rezzz A-Parser Enterprise License
    A-Parser Enterprise

    15 апр 2015
    о, спасибо, у меня кстати тоже инструкция не сработала
  5. Forbidden

    Forbidden Administrator
    Команда форума A-Parser Enterprise

    9 мар 2013
    честно говоря kali не сильно популярный серверный дистрибутив :)

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