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Улучшение Use Keyword Tokens In Txt Files

Тема в разделе "Отклоненные задачи", создана пользователем andrew, 11 фев 2014.

  1. andrew

    andrew A-Parser Enterprise License
    A-Parser Enterprise

    13 фев 2013
    I think that it would be good if Aparser had a feature where we would be able to use KW tokens in txt files, and have Aparser replace those tokens with KWs from the queries box, or queries file. Below is an image of an example txt file that I created to illustrate the feature:



    I'm not sure exactly how the query format should be set up, but this is a feature that every other parser has (Hrefer, Scrapebox, GScraper, etc.), and I think would be a great addition to Aparser.

    One thing to keep in mind would be that the {query} token wont always be in the same place in a txt file. Sometimes it could be before specific words, or after specific words, and sometimes the {query} token wont be there at all, so there should be a way to take all of this into account without breaking the current functionality of Aparser.
  2. Forbidden

    Forbidden Administrator
    Команда форума A-Parser Enterprise

    9 мар 2013
    This feature already present in a-parser:


    file.txt need to be placed in queries/subs/file.txt

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